FAQ | Courier Prime

Yes. It’s free like beer and free like liberty. You can use it to your heart’s content.

Screenwriters shouldn’t spend their lives looking at an ugly typeface.

Not directly, but our very liberal license means that developers can include it in their apps.

Yes! You can find the web version of Courier Prime at TypeKit.

Not currently. We hope they’ll add it as an option.

Probably not. On the Mac, Courier Prime matches the metrics of standard Courier and Courier Final Draft, so the only thing that should increase is your satisfaction.

Some readers using Final Draft have found page count differences, though, so test it out first. There are so many variables — different operating systems, different app versions, old fonts — that what works perfectly in one situation might not in another.

Yes. Courier Prime is in the TrueType format, which works on Windows, Mac and other operating systems.

For best results, Final Draft says you should go to Format > Elements... Then, in the Fonts tab, set the font to Courier Prime, then click Apply Font/Size to All.

(sigh) Yes, unfortunately. Final Draft for Windows uses a special version of their house font with a different line height. So while you can absolutely use Courier Prime, your page breaks might change if you swap back and forth between Courier Final Draft and Courier Prime. Likewise, if your writing partner is using Courier Prime on Final Draft for the Mac, and you open that file on Windows, page breaks might be off.

It’s a Final Draft problem, not a font problem, so it’s out of our control.

Note that PDFs work great, so the only hiccups come when passing around an FDX file.

No, but that's a great instinct. Why don't you support another type designer by buying a font?

Certainly! We made it so that it’s especially good at standard screenplay size (12pt), but you’re welcome to use it however you want.

If you're looking for a font to use for coding, check out our new release Courier Prime Code.